Intention Bar is not responsible for your results and outcomes.
You understand and agree that Intention Bar is not meant to be used in lieu of medical and mental healthcare.
There are absolutely no refunds, under ANY conditions.
Open Bar is a 6 month commitment and you 100% agree to this and will be charged your monthly fee for up to 6 months unless you cancel prematurely, at which point Intention Bar will charge your charge on file the full amount owed in one payment.
The information taught in these courses are for your educational usage and is not under any circumstances to be used in your own business coaching, teaching, guiding, advising, and businesses. In agreeing to these terms of use you are agreeing to not copy, appropriate, duplicate, mimmic or incorporate Intention Bar language, terminology, research, and or tools into your own programs and business. If you wish to become Intention Bar certified you may reach out for information on Intention Bar certifications that you approval to teach our proprietary research and tools